UddoktaPay Self-Hosted Server Requirements
Before installing UddoktaPay on your server, ensure your system meets these specific requirements for successful installation and optimal performance.
Core Requirements
PHP Version
- Minimum PHP Version: 7.4 or higher
- Recommended: PHP 8.1 or higher
ionCube Loader
- Required Version: 12.0.0 or higher
- Status: Must be installed and activated
Required PHP Extensions
Database Extensions
- mysqli
Security Extensions
- openssl
Core Extensions
- bcmath
- ctype
- json
- mbstring
- tokenizer
- xml
File Processing Extensions
- curl
- fileinfo
- zip (with ZipArchive class)
Server Environment
Web Server
- Apache 2.4+ with mod_rewrite enabled
- OR Nginx 1.16+
- SSL Certificate (Required)
PHP Settings
- memory_limit: 256M or higher
- max_execution_time: 300
- upload_max_filesize: 32M
- post_max_size: 32M
Installation Verification
UddoktaPay includes a system requirement checker that will verify:
- PHP version compatibility
- ionCube Loader presence and version
- All required PHP extensions
- Server configuration settings
Common Installation Issues
PHP Version
If you see "Current PHP version is below 7.4", you need to:
- Contact your hosting provider to upgrade PHP
- Or update PHP through your server control panel
ionCube Loader
If ionCube Loader is missing or outdated:
- Download from ionCube official website
- Install version 12.0.0 or higher
- Configure PHP to load the extension
Missing Extensions
For any missing PHP extensions:
- Install via package manager (apt-get, yum)
- Enable in php.ini file
- Restart web server after changes
Need Help?
If you encounter any issues with server requirements:
- Run the system requirements checker first
- Contact your hosting provider for assistance
- Open a support ticket with detailed error messages
- Check our documentation for troubleshooting guides