How to Install UddoktaPay on cPanel Server
This guide will walk you through the process of installing UddoktaPay on your cPanel server. Follow each step carefully to ensure a successful installation.
- Valid UddoktaPay license key and username
- cPanel access credentials
- Domain or subdomain with SSL certificate
- Latest UddoktaPay installation package
Step 1: Server Environment Setup
Configure PHP Version
- Log in to your cPanel account
- Navigate to "Select PHP Version" or "MultiPHP Manager"
- Set PHP version to 7.4 or higher (8.1 recommended)
Enable Required Extensions
- ionCube Loader (v12.0.0+)
- mysqli
- curl
- fileinfo
- zip
- bcmath
- ctype
- json
- mbstring
- xml
- tokenizer
Step 2: Create Subdomain
- In cPanel, go to "Domains" section
- Click "Create a New Domain"
- Enter your desired subdomain (e.g.,
- Click "Create"
- Ensure SSL is properly configured for the subdomain
Step 3: Database Setup
- Go to "MySQL Database Wizard" in cPanel
- Create new database:
- Enter unique database name
- Click "Next Step"
- Create database user:
- Choose unique username
- Set strong password
- Click "Create User"
- Set privileges:
- Click "Next Step"
- Save database details for installation
Step 4: Upload and Extract Files
- Access File Manager in cPanel
- Navigate to subdomain's directory
- Click "Upload" and select UddoktaPay package
- Once uploaded, right-click and select "Extract"
Step 5: Run Installation
- Visit your subdomain in browser
- System requirements check:
- PHP version verification
- Extension availability
- Directory permissions
- Enter license details:
- License Code
- License Username
- Configure database:
- Host: localhost
- Database name
- Username
- Password
- Complete installation
Step 6: Post-Installation
- Access login page:
- Default credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: 123456
- Important security steps:
- Change default password immediately
- Remove or rename installation directory
- Configure backup settings
- Review security settings
Common Installation Issues
PHP Configuration
- Version compatibility: Ensure PHP 7.4 or higher
- Missing extensions: Enable through PHP settings
- ionCube Loader: Install version 12.0.0 or higher
Database Issues
- Connection errors: Verify credentials
- Permission issues: Check user privileges
- Database creation: Ensure proper collation
Need Help?
If you encounter any issues during installation:
- Contact your hosting provider for server-related issues
- Open a support ticket with detailed error messages
- Check documentation for troubleshooting guides